Friday, January 15, 2010

On the Haitian Earthquake


Let me say this again. Wow.

I am so totally stunned by the devastation, by the amount of damage this earthquake laid out on Haiti. This is a chunk of property that runs over 10,000 square miles.

The damage is incredible.

I saw some satellite pictures this morning of the before and after. Things before looked decent in Port-Au-Prince.

And now…gone. It looks like a globebuster bomb hit it.

Just like that. Eradicated. Blessedly little's standing there right now.

Kids, I grew up in earthquake country. I know what it's like to have the earth move under you like that. I remember being in Chicago during the Loma Prieta and Northridge quakes. I know how hard it can be to reach family and friends. I remember seeing the pictures of San Francisco...the chunk of the Bay Bridge down, the Cypress Structure pancaked, the Marina District on fire. Buildings collapsing and rubble all over, from Oakland to Santa Cruz.

That doesn't even cover the Northridge quake.

This is worse, actually, because of the years of kleptocratic government that dates back to when I was in high school. Here in the States, we have gross incompetence and mismanagement in government, but not outright theft.

I don't always ask folks to help-money's tight all over, I understand that. We are all recovering from 2009's stinkin' economy, yours truly included. But find a way to give money, or to do what you can.

Because this goes past bad.

Check out the Red Cross website for donations. Here's the link:

If you are a person of prayer, pray for the survivors.

Enough for now.