One of the very few vices I have any more is caffeine. Oh, I like bacon, and still find myself eating from time to time like a man half my age, but certain things have had to improve in my life. Caffeine is not one of those, however.
Specifically, Coca-Cola is usually my caffeinated beverage of choice; followed by Earl Grey or Chai teas. And even those are in moderation anymore; not because of the caffeine but because without a gallbladder I have enough issues with stomach acids. (I’ve discovered a wonderful thing called Prilosec. It’s been very helpful with certain issues.)
Anyway...the missus and I went shopping one evening in preparation for a camping trip we were taking. Because she has to be careful of what she eats (and I ought to be), we spent a lot of time looking at labels. She’s done this for a number of years now; and I’m trying to be supportive of this little habit. Tonight, however, I’ve hit on something a number of you probably already know: High Fructose Corn Syrup (aka “Corn Sugar”) is in bloody near everything we eat.
It’s in spaghetti sauce. Hot dogs (which I know aren’t terribly healthy to start with). Breads and buns. Pickle relish-which to me is silly, as it’s supposed to be sour. Graham Crackers. Ketchup. And yes, in almost every soft drink-where I would reasonably expect to find it.
It’s no blessed wonder we’re all getting fat and becoming diabetic!
Try it, next time you go to the store. Look at the labels; I think a number of you will be mighty surprised at what’s in your food. You don’t need to be a cook, you need to be a chemist.
Now...I’ve said before my body is a product of science. Better living through chemistry; as a lifelong epileptic I know what my meds have been slowly doing to me over thirty five years. I’ve become hideously light-sensitive, for starters. We won’t discuss the long term effects of my meds. The alternative-Grand Mal seizures-is a far, far worse thing, however. But back to my main point: The amount of corn sweetener-or any other sweetener-in our food is disgusting. I’m not a big fan of it in my caffeinated beverage of choice, but will keep drinking the stuff anyway.
I’ll also admit I like presweetened cereal as well. But that is a treat, not a daily occurrence. Most of the time (not all, but most) I try to eat something for breakfast that’s reasonably good for me. (I’m enjoying Northern Gold granola with raspberries and blueberries for breakfast these days, for example.) If I get a box of Sugar Frosted Flakes, I expect sugar. (Duh. That’s why I buy it.)
But breads, sauces, and other things shouldn’t have that kind of sweetness to them. We feed ourselves and our kids this stuff, then they lose recess time and PE, and then we wonder why children are drugged with Ritalin to calm them down. They’re on a perpetual sugar binge!
Now I can’t change things that much. But I am learning to watch what’s in food...and it’s making me want to tell you to do the same. You don’t have to buy organic (I don’t-we can’t afford it!) but you should take a good look at what’s in all the food you buy. It’ll be an eye-opener for you.
It has been for me.
Enough for now.
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