Friday, October 30, 2009

On Halloween

Halloween used to be different.

It used to be a time where we put some really ugly cardboard stuff on our windows, got dressed in ridiculous outfits with bad plastic masks held on with elastic string, and went out trick or treating. Adults had costume parties, and did whatever it was adults did; we were kids and we didn’t care. The big question was “What are you going to go out as?” We had “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” to watch on TV, and maybe some old movies with Bela Lugosi. The older kids went out and kind of kept an eye on the younger kids, and sometimes they got some candy out of the deal.

It’s becoming increasingly dark. It’s not fun anymore. It’s gone from a fun kind of scary to flat out evil. I can’t tell you the last costume party I attended; it’s been at least ten years and probably longer. In fact, too many people are afraid to have parties anymore; the liability issues aren’t worth it. Kids don’t go out at night on halloween, twilight is about the best they get anymore and they have to have all the candy inspected to make sure it’s safe to eat because you just know some sicko has poisoned it, or added bugs or razor blades to it. That’s if they can get it home without some teenager mugging the kid for it.

In a sense, it’s too bad. Kids today have lost out on yet another childhood ritual, because we adults have held onto things too long. Some of us have made our lives like that of the undead.

I admit don’t get all the goth scene. I’m not into vampires, were-anythings, zombies, or monsters. A Zombie was a cheese filled yeast bun when I was in school, most bloodsucking is best left to the IRS, and with cloning we are creating our own monsters.

When you run in the circles I do, you only die once. Then you face judgement, and if you are not right with God you go straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200. (See Hebrews 9:27.)

And Hell is not a party place. The devil is evil incarnate, and Hell is a place where you are in torment for eternity. (Eternity, by the way, means forever.) It’s dark, you are tormented all the time, there is no rest, and it is a lake of fire.

Not exactly my idea of a vacation destination, kids!

So I won’t be dressing up this year, though I have a nice Star Trek Next Generation tunic with chirping commbadge and can make my iPod a tricorder. (Yes, Virginia, there’s an App for that.) I’m not even sure I want to be home; the U of O is playing USC in an early evening kickoff, ESPN’s College Gameday will be here, and it’s Halloween. Which means the party will start about 4:30 the day before, and is likely to go well into November 1st.

Now that’s scary. In fact, the only thing scarier to me is Nancy Pelosi’s healthcare plan.

Enough for now.

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