For openers, I hear that we need to save money. On the other, I hear we aren’t spending enough. Make up your minds, please.
Then there’s this war we are still mired in, that we can’t seem to get out of. We can’t trust Wall Street, sports figures, or our elected public officials to tell us the truth about anything--including whether or not they've paid their taxes. Every time I turn around, something else is being recalled because it will kill you if you consume it. There are super-bugs that are resistant to antibiotics, so we can’t treat you when you get sick because you went ahead and ate something that was recalled.
Worse yet...Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are stillon the radio. Wellllllll...okay. This might not be as bad as I thought. At least they’re trying to shed light on what’s up with our elected Bozos...uhhh, I mean public officials. Yes, they can be very trying. Let’s not go there.
Looks like the era of Big Government is here. The Government is here to help you. This is called Socialism. Socialism is defined as a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating public or state ownership. Is thisthe change you all wanted? Back after 9/11, the French annoyed us in the US to no end. Now we want to be like them!Did I miss the memo on this radical shift? I though we were supposedto be a Capitalist Democracy, or a Republic, or something other than a bunch of Socialists. Yet, that seems to be where we are heading.
Now they are talking, since they have partially privatized the banks, about privatizing health care (otherwise known as “universal coverage”). I’m a vet—and if the government were to take over health care, they’d run it like the VA. Or worse...Medicare. Ponder that, Pinky!
Many of you voted for change. Seems to me that’s all we have left in our pockets!
Just in case some of you have missed the news, the economy is in tatters. As I write this, the Dow has lost over half its former value. People are getting laid off in the hundreds of thousands. Unemployment has risen to at least 7.6% as of January 2009. The government has passed the largest spending bill in the history of the nation...just shy of a trillion dollars. That’s right...trillion, with a “T.” We now are waiting to see if the biggest pork bill ever signed into law will bail us out. A side note to you all—it won’t. It won’t help us one whit. It certainly isn’t going to work for me. It isn’t going to work for you, either, unless you’re into blue-collar work. (Which is, by the way, quite all right. People working beats people on welfare and unemployment any day.)
Nobody, but nobody, wants to use the “D” word yet. As in "Depression."
I’m saying it’s way past due, kids.
Enough for now.
(Posted 3/4/09)
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