Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thoughts on Listening to God

I recently came across something-I think it was on my Facebook page-that said, in effect, that we are good at praying...but not so good in meditating. In this case, meditating is sitting still and listening to God speak to us in that still, small voice.
I know that word was meant for me that day.
I admit I’m examining a number of different things in my life right now; what those things are I am not quite willing to make public knowledge as yet. Suffice it to say that I am seeking God’s will in these issues, and so have asked certain people to join me in prayer for direction in these matters. 
But have I been listening? Really, truly listening for a response? That’s a good question.
Now, before going on (and before a few of you think I’ve blown my last transistor), I do not believe that the Almighty is going to whisper audibly in my good ear. (He might, but that’s not necessarily how He works these days.) We have His written word, a good chunk of my adult life and education I’ve spent studying; therefore actual English coming to me from nowhere is not what I foresee as an answer. (It would certainly simplify things if it did.)
There is not only the written word, but godly advice from people I trust. There are certain circumstances, certain events that I can look at and see that maybe there is something here for me-or not.
One of the people I have asked to pray with me sent me this gem of a line: “But there are things that can tell us when…like Obi-Wan said, “In my experience, there’s no such thing as luck.” If too many things line themselves up in a row to make something happen for you, it’s more likely they were put there.”
Of course, that also means if certain things seem to fall apart, there is a good reason for that as well. But I’m a bit off back to the listening thing.
I have taken some time to not have music playing in the background while I work. There is silence-just me and my thoughts-or an environmental background, courtesy of my iPod (and a nifty app from Naturespace). Yes, I am still working...but my mind is sorting through things as I do so. I am contemplating, without being contemplative. I am allowing the quietude in my life to give me the opportunity to really listen, to see if what I am thinking/feeling/sensing is really of the Lord.
I’m also walking away from things (like the TV), and just sitting and thinking. I have turned off the radio and/or iPod in the car as I drive as well. I have much to consider, and blessedly little time to consider them. Driving takes me away from my MacBook, even if it’s only for a few minutes.
So I guess, when it comes down to it, if you are praying, take some time to listen. Even talking with the Almighty is a two-way street; we should not do all the talking and allow Him to speak to us.
Which reminds me...if you think of Deena and I, pray for us. There will be more to come later and as appropriate.
Enough for now.