Thursday, December 22, 2011

Three Days Before Christmas

‘Twas three days before Christmas and all through the land,
the malls were a madhouse, shopping madness was fanned.
People were all over, driving like fools
to get some trinket to make someone drool.
But in our apartment, there was none of that dread
for Deena and I had planned well ahead. 
The gifts were all mailed, and so were the cards,
to places quite near, and to some that are far. 
The performances were done, and all with great care,
and we could finally relax and sit in our chairs. 
The groceries are bought and are ready to feast
out to my in-laws, who live to our east. 
The cats are all sleeping, there’s football to see,
and I had a chance to think of the year that should be.
More than that, though, I had a chance to ponder 
of Joseph and Mary, and how they had wondered
about the birth of Jesus, for that is the reason
we go through the madness of each Christmas season.
His birth was foretold in the days of the past,
and his time here was short-it wasn’t to last. 
He lived, he died, and he rose once again,
to provide us salvation-hallelujah, amen!
So in the insanity that is the holiday season,
take time out to think of the Savior-and reason
to ask forgiveness of sin, your spirit renewed
your life filled with peace-with His Spirit imbued.


After all, Christmas is about the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, The Son of God the Father, the second person of the Living, Triune God. He was born of Mary, that He might be fully God-yet fully man. Do I understand why, after all the years in Bible school, Seminary, and so forth? 
No, I don't. What I do know that He is a holy, righteous, God. He is also a loving God, not wanting anyone to perish. That’s I’m glad He chose to come, live, die for my sins and yours...and come back to life. He died for all people. But before that...he had to be born, and that’s what we celebrate. 
Merry Christmas to all, and a blessed New Year as well.