Monday, November 16, 2009

What is this Blog of which I hear?

I’m taking some time to address some new readers today. Greetings to all my students! Since many of you will have found this by clicking the link next to my name on the MISD Faculty and Staff webpage, a brief introduction to my blog is in order.

This is a personal blog, and not one sponsored by MISD. What that means is what you will find here is mostly random thoughts on things that interest me. These may be Theological, technical, humorous (an example of that is here), geeky, or merely off the wall. (An example of that is here, by the way.)

I update this as I see fit. That means I will update it when I have something to say. Which may be weekly, every couple of days, or there might be a month with nothing new here. (I doubt that, but one never knows.)

If you are expecting this to be deeply religious and devotional... you’re in for a shock. You will learn about my personal life here. Amazing as it may seem to some of you, I don’t simply go to bed after work and sleep all weekend (though I admit It’d be fun to try, sleeping until noon on a Saturday.) I have the same problems you do, and some of the same interests. Much of what I write relates to technology; it stems from being an electrogeek (a title I’ve well earned, by the way) with Christian overtones.

A few of you may wonder why I write what I do. I could say just about anything here, but the truth is (as more than a few of you have found out) I am slightly no...let’s try mildly--no, that’s not right about...somewhat...opinionated. That works.

There are plenty of thought provoking, devotional blogs out there. Dr. Frey, President of MISD, writes a really good one; I’ve linked to that off to the right. Skip Moen--our Academic Dean--writes a good one as well, and you’ll find a link to that off to the right too. You really should read those; there’s some deep thoughts there.

I’m not even in their league when it comes to that kind of writing. I am my Father’s son--both my earthly and heavenly fathers--and thus, I write the way I do because of that. My Dad was an Electrical Engineer who taught me to teach myself, and he taught me a lot about electronics and computers. (You can read my eulogy to him here.) Outside of Theology and some music, that’s what I know best. So that’s what I write a lot about.

So enjoy the reading. Take a few minutes and read some of the back posts here. Feel free to post replies to anything you read here.

Just remember who grades your homework.

Enough for now.

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